Friday, June 27, 2008

Tullow Parish Newsletter 29th June, 08

MONTHS MIND MASS for Danny Bolger, Templeowen at 11.30 a.m. today.
ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 27th June.
Dora Fitzgerald, Roscatt. Annie Nolan, St. Olivers Villas. Annie Landers, 5 Templeowen. The Fossett family, Birmingham. Ryan Byrne, Hawkins Street. Michael & Ellen Bergin, Ducketsgrove & daughters May, Eileen & Annie & sons in law Edward Teehan & Patrick Brennan. Kathleen Moore, Cannonsquarter. John Garry, Castledermot Road. Anna Holohan, Dublini Road. Dann & Molly O’Brien, Dublin Road. Peg O’Toole, Rathbawn & her parents Patrick & Brigid Cannon. Michael & Daphne Raftery, Bellwood Drive. The Keating & Whelan family, Templeowen. Herbert Finlayson, Barrack Street. Richard Smith, Crosslow.
MONTHS MIND MASS for Dina Kirwan, Pairc Mhuire next Saturday night 5th July at 7.30 p.m.
MONTHS MIND MASS for Rachel McCarthy, Courtlawns next Sunday 6th July at 11.30 a.m.
PLEASE PRAY FOR Sr. Ambrose Doran, The Convent, Tullow whose
anniversary occurs at this time.

Servers for the Coming Week:
Group 2:
A. Tamara Byrne, Rebecca Roche
B. Stephanie O’Neill, Megan Skinner.
C. Shauna Finlan
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. Shauna Finlan, Rebecca Roche & Megan Skinner.
11.30a.m. Tamar Byrne, Stephanie O’Neill & Stephanie Holligan.

COLLECTIONS: Offertory: €1,310. Development: €1,945. Many thanks.

HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819.

Special intentions for Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd July: That there may be an increase in the number of those who volunteer to serve the Christian community with generous and prompt availability.

Tullow Rugby Club are holding a Rugby Camp hosted by Leinster Rugby from Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July. All boys and girls age 6—13 years are very welcome. Contact Antoinette on 087 2412069 or call to Parish Centre, Tullow for a registration form.

Debs Dresses 2008. Beautiful selection of debs dresses now available. Exclusive showrooms outside Tullow. Call Miriam on 087 9108185.

CEMETERY MASSES: St. Patrick’s Cemetery Mass will be held on Friday 11th July at 8 p.m. There will be no evening Mass at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Church. Everyone is asked to clean up their own family plots and the areas surrounding them.
The Cemetery Mass in Grange will be held on Friday 18th July at 8 p.m. and in Ardattin on Friday 25th July at 8 p.m. Again everyone is asked to give as much help as they can to clean up the Cemetery for the occasion.

Patrician Brothers Bicentenary
As part of the Bicentenary celebrations a Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Tullow on Wednesday July 9th at 3.00 p.m. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, the new Papal Nuncio to Ireland, and the homily will be delivered by Bishop James Moriarty. All are welcome to the Mass and for refreshments afterwards in the Cairdeas Centre.
On Tuesday 8th July a Commemorative and ’Wreath Laying’ ceremony will be held at Bishop Daniel Delany’s grave in the church, at the Commemorative Panel outside the church and at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. This ceremony will commence at 8.30 a.m. Brothers from Patrician Communities overseas will be in attendance. Should parishioners wish to take part in the ceremony they will be most welcome.
On the evening of Tuesday 8th July we present Liam Lawton in a special Bicentenary Concert in the Church at 8.30 p.m. Admission to the concert is free but you may wish to make a small donation to our missions in Kenya, Papua New Guinea and Ghana. Boxes will be provided at the entrance to the church. Admission to the concert will be by ticket which may be obtained at the Parish Centre.

Enrolments being taken for September 08. Limited places available. Contact Julie Coleman on 087 7541808.

HOUSE TO LET in Tullow. 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. Contact 087 9031661.

A day of prayer for healing will be held in Emmanual House of Providence, Clonfert on Saturday 28th June. Speaker: Fr. Noel Burke and Eddie Stone. Bus departs Church Car Park at 8 a.m. sharp via Killerig Cross, Closh Stores and bus stop Barrack Street, Carlow. Bring packed lunch. To book a seat phone Lily on 059 9151245 or Ila on 059 9151120.

COUNTRY MARKET at Ducketts Grove Gardens every Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

FOR SALE: Aqua Debs Dress. Phone 087 7526789 after 6 p.m.

‘Somebody’s Praying’ CD by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir
is available at the Parish Office for €20.
All proceeds of this CD
goes to cancer research.

BIZZY KIDS PRE-SCHOOL, Ardattin now taking bookings for September. Contact Nuala on 9155599 or 085 1172507.

Occupational and Sports
Injury Clinic
opening from Monday 23rd June at Parish Centre, Tullow. Phone Caroline on 085 7415411.

In this mid-summer time, we give praise to God, whose presence we see in the beauty and abundance of all that grows.
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast:

A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A next of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer.

Next outing is to Kilkenny Golf Club on Saturday 5th July. Tee-times are from 2.20 p.m.—3.40 p.m. Contact Peter on 086 3989600 to book your time.
Arrangement for the trip to Wales have had to be moved forward to Friday 3rd October and returning on 8th October. The cost will be approximately €400 per person. Those who intend to travel please contact an officer of the Society before 30th June, 08.

TOUCHED BY SUICIDE will hold their A.G.M. on Thursday 3rd July, 2008 in the I.F.A. Centre in Enniscorthy at 8 p.m. We would like to invite all interested parties to attend this meeting.

REMINDER: Tullow Summer Camp, 14th—18th July.
AGE GROUPS: 2 years & 10 months—6 years. Forward Steps from 2 p.m.—5 p.m.
7—9 year olds: Tullow Community School from 12 noon—5 p.m.
10—12 year olds: Bishop’s House from 12—5 p.m.

FOUND: Small purse found in Parish Church. Contact Parish Centre on 9151277.

Tullow Day Care 20th Annual Golf Classic played at
Mt. Wolseley Golf & Country Club
on Wednesday 18th July. 35 teams played.
RESULTS as follows.
1st: Chris Murphy, Paul Butler, Catherine Murphy & Michelle Butler. 96 pts.
2nd: Shem Lalor, Garett Kehoe, Keith Jones & Eamon Farrell. 89 pts.
3rd: Barney O’Toole, Conor Ronan, Nicky Bermingham & John O’Toole. 88 pts.
4th: John O’Sullivan, Niall Rennick, Ben Travers & Jim McCormack. 87 pts.
Front 9: Pat O’Leary, Dermot Hanafin, Maura O’Leary, Regina Foley. 45 pts.
Back 9: Pat Keegan, Pat Carthy Snr., Pat Carthy and Michael Carthy. 42 pts.
Nearest the Pin:
Men: 6th Hole: Michael O’Brien.
9th Hole: David Power
Ladies: 6th Hole: Regina Foley
9th Catherine Murphy.
Tullow Day Care thank all our sponsors, all our golfers, and all our dedicated helpers.

Next Friday is First Friday.
The housebound of the parish will be visited during the coming week.
Fr Andy will visit on Thursday and Friday.
Fr. Brendan will visit on Friday.

in Parish Centre on Thursday 4th July at 8 p.m.

STANLEY COOKER for sale. Phone 087 2492670.

LOST: Male striped ginger cat. Phone 9151691.

SALSA DANCING continues every Monday night 8—9 p.m. in Murphy Memorial Hall. Contact Christopher on 086 8360552.

Alternative Chemical Free Beauty
Great for those with allergies, sensitive skin and people who appreciate the benefits of using chemical free products. Sugaring, nails, false tan, facials, reiki, massage, spray tan. Phone Kathryn on 087 2216378.

Unwanted Clothing Collection
on Tuesday 1st July
from 9 a.m.—12 noon at
Tullow Church Car Park and
Ardattin Church Car Park.
Please donate any unwanted clothing, shoes, towels, bed line etc at the above locations and time. Thank you.

Please keep the 6 young people from the Tullow area in your prayers as they join 150 young people from around the Diocese who will be travelling to Sydney for World Youth Day on July 6th. The highlight of the Sydney Pilgrimage is the outdoor Vigil and Mass with Pope Benedict. The young people from the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin will be hosted by a Patrician Brother Parish in Rhyde, Sydney and we look forward to sharing Tullow experiences with the people there. The young people would like to thank their families, sponsors and the people of the parish for their generosity in making this pilgrimage possible. As we wish them a safe journey, we pray that all who participate in the World Youth Day celebrations will receive the Power from the Holy Spirit and will return to testify to God’s mercy and unfailing love.

TOTS TO TEENS: Shillelagh Road Tullow. Full Day Care (8 a.m.—6 p.m.) is €20. Half Day Care (9-1 or 2 –6) is €10. Family discounts. Phone Aisling on 9180942 or 085 7743165.

Best wishes to all the boys and girls who will take part in the Carlow Community Games this weekend, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th June in Ardattin.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tullow Parish Newsletter 22nd June 2008

PLEASE PRAY FOR Caroline Dowling, Hawthorn Drive, Tullow who died during the week.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS for Michael Timmins, 5 Upper Station Raod today at 8.30 a.m.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS for Bridie Kirwan, Mt. Wolseley Lodge today at 11.30 a.m.
ANNIVERSARY MASS for John J. Browne, Laurel Lodge today Sunday 22nd June at 9.30 a.m. in Grange Church.
ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 27th June.
Edward & Cathy Dargan, Abbey Street. Margaret Lucas, 41 Hillbrook Estate. Tom & Ellen O’Reilly, Castlemore. Patrick & Isabel Mulhall, daughter Bridie Wiles and son Tom, The Green. Thomas Bolger, Kill. Philomena Bernie, formerly of St. Patrick’s Park. Thomas & Ann Kirwan, Abbey Street. Dick Frayne, Dublin Road. Annie & William Redmond, Ferns. John Farrell, Roscatt. Jeremiah & Brigid Kavanagh, Ouragh. Jim Fields, Rathbawn. Jenny Darcy, St. Austins. John Byrne, Slaneyville, Tullow.

Servers for the Coming Week:
Group 1:
A. Andrew Timmins, Jack Timmins.
B. James O’Brien, Conor Hade.
C. Jamie Ansbro, Ryan O’Neill.
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. James O’Brien, Craig Abbey and Jamie Ansbro.
11.30a.m. Andrew & Jack Timmins and Ryan O’Neill.

COLLECTIONS: Offertory: €1,247. Development: €2,010. Many thanks.

HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819

Special intentions for Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th June: For Christian families: May they lovingly welcome children and care for the aged.

Tullow Rugby Club are holding a Rugby Camp hosted by Leinster Rugby from Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July. All boys and girls age 6—13 years are very welcome. Contact Antoinette on 087 2412069 or call to Parish Centre, Tullow for a registration form.

Tullow Kayak Club
Beginner Classes. Friday evenings
7—9 p.m. Adults: €70. Juniors €60.
4 Classes.
Contact Diarmuid on 086 3352903.

Debs Dresses 2008. Beautiful selection of debs dresses now available. Exclusive showrooms outside Tullow. Call Miriam on 087 9108185.

CEMETERY MASSES: St. Patrick’s Cemetery Mass will be held on Friday 11th July at 8 p.m. There will be no evening Mass at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Church. Everyone is asked to clean up their own family plots and the areas surrounding them.
The Cemetery Mass in Grange will be held on Friday 18th July at 8 p.m. and in Ardattin on Friday 25th July at 8 p.m. Again everyone is asked to give as much help as they can to clean up the Cemetery for the occasion.

Patrician Brothers Bicentenary
As part of the Bicentenary celebrations a Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Tullow on Wednesday July 9th at 3.00 p.m. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, the new Papal Nuncio to Ireland, and the homily will be delivered by Bishop James Moriarty. All are welcome to the Mass and for refreshments afterwards in the Cairdeas Centre.
On Tuesday 8th July a Commemorative and ’Wreath Laying’ ceremony will be held at Bishop Daniel Delany’s grave in the church, at the Commemorative Panel outside the church and at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. This ceremony will commence at 8.30 a.m. Brothers from Patrician Communities overseas will be in attendance. Should parishioners wish to take part in the ceremony they will be most welcome.
On the evening of Tuesday 8th July we present Liam Lawton in a special Bicentenary Concert in the Church at 8.30 p.m. Admission to the concert is free but you may wish to make a small donation to our missions in Kenya, Papua New Guinea and Ghana. Boxes will be provided at the entrance to the church. Admission to the concert will be by ticket which may be obtained at the Parish Centre.

Enrolments being taken for September 08. Limited places available. Contact Julie Coleman on 087 7541808.

HOUSE TO LET in Tullow. 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. Contact 087 9031661.

A day of prayer for healing will be held in Emmanual House of Providence, Clonfert on Saturday 28th June. Speaker: Fr. Noel Burke and Eddie Stone. Bus departs Church Car Park at 8 a.m. sharp via Killerig Cross, Closh Stores and bus stop Barrack Street, Carlow. Bring packed lunch. To book a seat phone Lily on 059 9151245 or Ila on 059 9151120.

COUNTRY MARKET at Ducketts Grove Gardens every Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

FOUND: Black Collie type dog. Tullow area. Phone 087 2383515.

FOR SALE: Aqua Debs Dress. Phone 087 7526789 after 6 p.m.

TULLOW COMMUNITY SCHOOL: As our Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place this week we ask you to keep in prayer the 12 young people from Tullow Community School who are travelling as helpers. They would like to say ‘thank you’ to all the people who so generously contributed to the many fundraisers and they want to assure each and every one of their prayers. A special candle will be lit in the Grotto for the intentions of all.
The staff and students of Tullow Community School would like to express their sincere thanks to all who took part in and attended the Kilkenny Gospel Choir Concert. As a result we were able to present Brother Jerome with a cheque for €8,000 for the Patrician Brothers Missions in Kenya and Ghana.

‘Somebody’s Praying’ CD by the Kilkenny Gospel Choir
is available
at the Parish Office for €20.
All proceeds of this CD
goes to cancer research.


are relocating to the office in Bridge Street. Office closed on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th June. Re-opening on Wednesday 25th June.

BIZZY KIDS PRE-SCHOOL, Ardattin now taking booking for September. Contact Nuala on 9155599 or 085 1172507.

THANK YOU. The McCarthy family would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with them over the recent death of their mother Rachel, 6 Courtlawns. Thanks also to Dr. Bruce Ashburner, Dr. Aidan Kehoe and Mrs Kehoe. A sincere thanks to all of Rachel’s very kind neighbours and friends. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Occupational and Sports
Injury Clinic
opening from Monday 23rd June at Parish Centre, Tullow. Phone Caroline on 085 7415411.

is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year. A committee has been formed and they are in the process of organising events to celebrate this in the new school year. They are appealing to past pupils and their families for old memorabilia/photographs etc. All photographs will be returned. For more details ring Rathoe School on 9148786.

“Do not be afraid”

The above phrase appears many times in the Bible, reminding us that our God is by our side, our source of strength and hope.
In the first reading, we see Jeremiah, despite his difficulties, standing firm: “the Lord is at my side, a mighty hero”. In the Gospel, we see Jesus assuring his disciples that “there is no need to be afraid”. His presence is always near, and he holds us in great love and compassion.
In the words of the psalm:
“In your great love, answer me, O’God,
with your help that never fails:
Lord, answer, for your love is kind;
in your compassion, turn towards me”.

Next outing is to Kilkenny Golf Club on Saturday 5th July. Tee-times are from 2.20 p.m.—3.40 p.m. Contact Peter on 086 3989600 to book your time.
Arrangement for the trip to Wales have had to be moved forward to Friday 3rd October and returning on 8th October. The cost will be approximately €400 per person. Those who intend to travel please contact an officer of the Society before 30th June, 08.

LOURDES: The pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Fr. Brendan Byrne will depart from Tullow next Tuesday 24th June from Tullow Church Car Park. All those travelling please be at The Church Car Park no later than 3.15 a.m.

Tullow Day Care Centre has a part time vacancy for an assistant to the chef. Apply in writing with C.V. on or before 4th July, 08.

5th Carlow (Tullow) Scout Group would like to thank everyone who supported their fundraising events during the past year. Hope we have as much support in our upcoming events.
Touched by Suicide would like to thank all who supported their Church Gate Collection. €825.10 was raised. Thanks to all the collectors.
TOUCHED BY SUICIDE will hold their A.G.M. on Thursday 3rd July, 2008 in the I.F.A. Centre in Enniscorthy at 8 p.m. We would like to invite all interested parties to attend this meeting.

hosted by Tullow Tug of War
in aid of St. Luke’s Kilkenny Oncology Building Fund for Cancer.
Venue: Tullow Rugby Club.
Date: Friday 27th June at 7.30 p.m.
Teams consists of 8 people men or women. Cost €40 per team. Your support would be greatly appreciated. For more information contact Pauline on 087 9505216. There will be a Cabaret and a presentation of medals after the Pulls in the Tara Arms.

to the Tullow Boys School who won
the Cumann na mBunscol,
Division 1 County Hurling final
last weekend.
Well done to all involved.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tullow Parish Newsletter 15th June, 08.

Barney O’Toole, Sandyford, Dublin & formerly of Castledermot Road and Dina Kirwan, Pairc Mhuirewho died recently.

for Cecilia Griffin, The Square, Tullow today Sunday 15th June at 11.30 a.m.

ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 20th June.
Paudge & Maisie Phelan, Templeowen. Shane Gahan, Hillbrook Estate. Luke & Mary Mannering, daughters Dympna & Dolores, sons in law Jack and Len and Ellen Jackman, Dublin Road. Donal McMahon, Pairc Mhuire. Patrick & Mary Connors & son Bernard & daughter Elizabeth, Dublin Road. Elizabeth O’Toole, 12 Castledermot Road. T.J. Doyle, Irish Naval Services & 74 Pairc Mhuire. P.J. & Jo Kelly & son Paddy, Mill Street. John Bailey, Ballymurphy. Patrick Fanning, Castlemore. Fintan & Kathy Kinsella, Coppenagh. Matthew O’Brien, Ouragh Road.

for Kathleen Kirwan, Tullowland next Saturday night 21st June at 7.30 p.m.

Servers for the Coming Week:
Group 6:
A. Mary Clare Hogan, Sorcha Frazer.
B. Katie Jones, Orla Condon.
C. Aoife Curry, Alysha Byrne.
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. Mary Clare Hogan, Sorcha Frazer & Alysha Byrne.
11.30a.m. Orla Condon, Katie Jones & Aoife Curry.

Offertory: €1,240. Development: €2,025. Many thanks.

Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819

Summer’s here!
Tullow Parish Community Centre.
Monday—Friday 10 a.m.—1.00 p.m.
June 16th—20th. €90 per week.
Sign up now. Limited places. Book with Pamela Butler on 086 0891141.

on Wednesday June 18th at Mt. Wolseley Golf and Country Club.
Team of 4 any combination. Early Bird up to 11 a.m. €160 per team.
11.10 to 4.30: €200 per team.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Nine hole competition.
For Timesheet phone Laz Murphy on 059 9151316.

Special intentions for Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th June: That the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec, Canada, may lead to ever deeper understanding of the Eucharist, the heart of the Church and source of Evangelisation.

Tullow Variety Group will commence drama workshops followed by casting and rehearsals for the Willie Russell two act comedy play “Stags and Hens” on Wednesday 11th June at 8.30 p.m. in Tullow Parish Community Centre. Persons aged 18 years and over are very welcome to join the drama workshops from which a cast will be chosen. The play will be performed in Tullow for three nights from September 10th to 12th in The Tara Arms and for four nights at Eire Og Clubhouse Carlow from September 17th to 20th. A cast of six men and six women is required. For further information please contact William Paton at 087 6787115.

Tullow Rugby Club are holding a Rugby Camp hosted by Leinster Rugby from Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July. All boys and girls age 6—13 years are very welcome. Contact Antoinette on 087 2412069 or call to Parish Centre, Tullow for a registration form.

Tullow Kayak Club
Beginner Classes. Friday evenings
7—9 p.m. Adults: €70. Juniors €60.
4 Classes.
Contact Diarmuid on 086 3352903.

Debs Dresses 2008. Beautiful selection of debs dresses now available. Exclusive showrooms outside Tullow. Call Miriam on 087 9108185.

St. Patrick’s Cemetery Mass will be held on Friday 11th July at 8 p.m. There will be no evening Mass at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Church. Everyone is asked to clean up their own family plots and the areas surrounding them.

The Cemetery Mass in Grange will be held on Friday 18th July at 8 p.m. and in Ardattin on Friday 25th July at 8 p.m. Again everyone is asked to give as much help as they can to clean up the Cemetery for the occasion.

Patrician Brothers Bicentenary
As part of the Bicentenary celebrations a Mass will be celebrated in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Tullow on Wednesday July 9th at 3.00 p.m. The Principal Celebrant will be Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, the new Papal Nuncio to Ireland, and the homily will be delivered by Bishop James Moriarty. All are welcome to the Mass and for refreshments afterwards in the Cairdeas Centre.
On Tuesday 8th July a Commemorative and ’Wreath Laying’ ceremony will be held at Bishop Daniel Delany’s grave in the church, at the Commemorative Panel outside the church and at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. This ceremony will commence at 8.30 a.m. Brothers from Patrician Communities overseas will be in attendance. Should parishioners wish to take part in the ceremony they will be most welcome.
On the evening of Tuesday 8th July we present Liam Lawton in a special Bicentenary Concert in the Church at 8.30 p.m. Admission to the concert is free but you may wish to make a small donation to our missions in Kenya, Papua New Guinea and Ghana. Boxes will be provide at the entrance to the church. Admission to the concert will be by ticket which may be obtained at the Parish Centre.

Enrolments being taken for September 08. Limited places available. Contact Julie Coleman on 087 7541808.

14th—18th July, 2008.
There are still some places left for the 7-9 year age group. The camp will run for one week from 12-5 p.m. with a day trip on the Friday, 18th July. Cost is 50 for the week. Please contact Sheila Butler or Michael Byrne at Tullow School Completion on 9180010 by Friday 20th June to book a place.

The J.G. O’Connor Branch of Tullow O.N.E.T. would like to thank the people of Tullow, Grange and Ardattin for their continued support in their recent National Collection. We would also like to thank the Management of Supervalue for allowing us to collection outside of their supermarket and a special word of thanks to Kathleen O’Keefe for her fundraising efforts.

“Proclaim that the kingdom of God
is close at hand”
In today’s Gospel, we see Jesus sending out the apostles to proclaim his message. We are also called to witness to the Gospel and to proclaim by the lives we lead that the Kingdom of God is among us.
In the words of Pope Benedict
“Each of us is the result of a thought of God.
Each of us is willed, each of us is loved,
each of us is necessary.
There is nothing more beautiful than to be
surprised by the Gospel,
by the encounter with Christ.
There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him
and to speak to others of our friendship with Him”

Córmíosa in Concert on Wednesday 18th June in The Seven Oaks Hotel. Musical Director Marian Gaynor. Five piece bank led by Ollie Hennessy. Tickets available from Seven Oaks. Adults: €15. Concession: €10.

in Tullow. 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. Contact 087 9031661.

A day of prayer for healing will be held in Emmanual House of Providence, Clonfert on Saturday 28th June. Speaker: Fr. Noel Burke and Eddie Stone. Bus departs Church Car Park at 8 a.m. sharp via Killerig Cross, Closh Stores and bus stop Barrack Street, Carlow. Bring packed lunch. To book a seat phone Lily on 059 9151245 or Ila on 059 9151120.

at Ducketts Grove Gardens every Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

St. Columba’s Annual Fete
and Sale
on Friday 20th June
in St. Columba’s at 7 p.m.
All welcome.

Black Collie type dog. Tullow area. Phone 087 2383515.

Aqua Debs Dress. Phone 087 7526789 after 6 p.m.

Margaret Teehan, Coppenagh would like to thank all who donated to the Happy Heart Foundation Church Gate Collection recently and to all those who helped in any way. Amount collected was €1,863.

Living life to the full? Looking for something more? Tired of samo? This is what you’re looking for! Time out for you …
Knock Summer Youth Festival July 24th—27th, Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock, Co. Mayo. 18—35 yrs. Contact 094 9388100/087 6927850.

Tidy Towns
judging is on in Ardattin at present. Everyone is asked to keep the village clean and tidy.

every Thursday night in Murphy Memorial Hall. Next weeks Hicksons Supervalue Jackpot is worth €280.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tullow Parish Newsletter 8th June, 08

PLEASE PRAY FOR Rachel McCarthy, Courtlawns, Tullow and Antoinette Nolan, 5 Steepleview Crescent, Tullow who died recently.
MONTHS MIND MASS for Elizabeth Dowling, Dublin Road today Sunday 8th June at 11.30 a.m. in Tullow Church.
ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 13th June. .
John & Mary Dalton, Bridge Street. Patrick & Catherine Whelan & daughters Betty & Kathleen, Roscatt. Tom Orbinski, Bellwood Drive. The Pryce family, St. Austins. John Cullen, St. Austins.
MONTHS MIND MASS for Cecilia Griffin, The Square, Tullow next Sunday 15th June at 11.30 a.m.

Servers for the Coming Week: Group 5:
A. Jamie Byrne, P.J. Ronan.
B. Shane Jackman, Peter Maher.
C. Abbie Halligan, Lauren Byrne & Laura Pecksheeva.
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. Jamie Byrne, P.J. Ronan & Shane Jackman.
11.30a.m. Peter Maher, Abbie Halligan, Lauren Byrne & Laura Pecksheeva.

COLLECTIONS: Offertory: €1,210. Development: €2,062. Many thanks.

HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819

Summer’s here!
Tullow Parish Community Centre.
Monday—Friday 10 a.m.—100 p.m.
June 16th—20th. €90 per week.
Sign up now. Limited places. Book with Pamela Butler on 086 0891141.

Next outing on Wednesday 14th June to Coolattin Golf Club. Time 1.30 to 3 p.m. Please contact Peter O’Rourke on 086 3989600 for times.

Golf Classic Preparations are in full swing. To book your Tee Time for June 14th contact Ger on 9163794 or 087 2541322.

on Wednesday June 18th at Mt. Wolseley Golf and Country Club.
Team of 4 any combination. Early Bird up to 11 a.m. €160 per team.
11.10 to 4.30: €200 per team.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Nine hole competition.
For Timesheet phone Laz Murphy on 059 9151316.

Special intentions for Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th June: That Christians may cultivate a deep and personal friendship with Christ, so that they are able to communicate the strength of his love to those they encounter.
“Follow me”
May you recognise in your life the presence, power and light of your soul.

May you realise that the shape of your soul is unique,
That you have a special destiny here
That behind the façade of your life there is
something beautiful, good and eternal happening.

May you learn to see your self with the same delight, pride and expectation with which God
sees you in every moment.
(John O’Donohue)

John O’Donohue)

Tullow Childcare Association
Apologies that the A.G.M. could not go ahead on Thursday 29th May. It has been rescheduled for this Monday 9th June at 8 p.m. in the new Community Childcare Facility Tots to Teens on the Shillelagh Road. Everyone welcome.

STAGS AND HENS: Tullow Variety Group will commence drama workshops followed by casting and rehearsals for the Willie Russell two act comedy play “Stags and Hens” on Wednesday 4th June at 8.30 p.m. in Tullow Parish Community Centre. Persons aged 18 years and over are very welcome to join the drama workshops from which a cast will be chosen. The play will be performed in Tullow for three nights from September 10th to 12th in The Tara Arms and for four nights at Eire Og Clubhouse Carlow from September 17th to 20th. A cast of six men and six women is required. For further information please contact William Paton at 087 6787115.

START YOUR OWN BUSINESS: If you have ever thought about starting your own business, come and talk to us on the Enterprise Bus which will be in Tullow on June 12th. With advisors from Carlow County Enterprise Board (phone 9130880) and your local branch of Bank of Ireland.

on Tuesday 10th June at 9 p.m.
in Ardattin.

Intellectual Disability Studies
Fetac Level 5
Thursday 12th June in The Cairdeas Centre 6—10 p.m. for 6 weeks (12 people needed for class to commence €300. Please confirm your attendance. The work experience and communication modules will also be completed during the course. We will also have 2 Saturdays to complete. Contact Eileen Doyle, Cairdeas Centre for details on 059 52668 or 086 2651754.

A meeting of all Parish Distributors will be held next Thursday 12th June in the Parish Centre at 8 p.m.

TULLOW STAGE SCHOOL: Registration Night for Tullow Stage School for September 08 will be held in Tullow Parish Centre on Wednesday 11th June from 7—9 p.m.

We wish to sincerely thank the VEC for supplying tutors for our activities throughout the year. The yoga, Taichi and Circle Dancing were well attended. Our thanks also to Forward Steps and Teach Bhride for the use of their premises.
Thursday the 12th June our annual garden party will take place. This year the venue is Rathwood Garden Centre. The Circle Dancing class will give a demonstration at the event. Tickets cost €20, available from Bernie in Forward Steps. Tickets must be paid for and collected by 12 p.m. Wednesday 11th June.
Our thanks to Nelly for the lovely trip last Thursday on the ‘ring-a-link’. Also to Ina Flynn for the great mystery tour.
As members and committee members alike will be off on holidays this summer visiting friends and relations it was decided to end Tullow Active Retirement Bowls on Monday 28th July until September when all activities will resume.
Next meeting is Tuesday September 2nd at 2.30 p.m.
Please note Taichi will be Friday 13th June at 2.00 p.m. due to the Garden Party.

Tullow Rugby Club are holding a Rugby Camp hosted by Leinster Rugby from Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July. All boys and girls age 6—13 years are very welcome. Contact Antoinette on 087 2412069 or call to Parish Centre, Tullow for an application form.

Tullow Kayak Club
Beginner Classes. Friday evenings
7—9 p.m. Adults: €70. Juniors €60.
4 Classes.
Contact Diarmuid on 086 3352903.

Alzheimers Society: A cheque for the proceeds from Seamus Dowling’s Golf Classic in Leinster Hills Golf Club and the Ladies Walk in Tullow will be presented to The Alzheimers Day Care Centre in Tullow at The Song and Story house in Rathoe on Friday 13th June at 8 p.m. All are welcome.

Debs Dresses 2008. Beautiful selection of debs dresses now available. Exclusive showrooms outside Tullow. Call Miriam on 087 9108185.

Tullow Show Silver Circle Results 2008
First Draw: €200: Kathleen Clancy, Rathdowney. €100: Margaret Moody, Kinneagh. €75: David O’Toole, Ballynunnery. Promoters Prize: John Colgan.
Second Draw: €200: Anthony Ryan. €100: Paddy Kehoe, Tankardstown. €75: Aoibhine doyle, Ardoyne. Promoters Prize: Mary Doyle.
Third Draw: €200: Norah Burgess, Tobinstown. €100: Deirdre Doyle, Bennekerry. €75: Statia Stanley, Kilkenny. Promoters Prize: Peggy Dreelan.
Fourth Draw: €200: John Byrne, Crab Lane. €100: Josh Brennan, Leaugh. €75: Jim Scott, Kingscross. Promoters Prize: John Colgan.

CEMETERY MASSES: St. Patrick’s Cemetery Mass will be held on Friday 11th July at 8 p.m. There will be no evening Mass at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Church. Everyone is asked to clean up their own family plots and the areas surrounding them.
The Cemetery Mass in Grange will be held on Friday 18th July and in Ardattin on Friday 25th July. Again everyone is asked to give as much help as they can to clean up the Cemetery for the occasion.

St. Patrick’s G.F.C.
Results: S.F.L 3: Kildavin-Clonegal
0-17. St. Pats 1-7. S.F. Challenge St. Pats 2-14. Fenagh 0-11.
Fixtures: S.F.L 3: St. Pats V M.L.R on Wednesday June 11th. S.F.C. St. Pats V O’Hanrahans.
Supporters are advised to check local press for times and venues for both matches.
Spin & Win: Jackpot: €11,400. Not won. The next draw for €11,500 jackpot takes place next weekend. Tickets on sale locally.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tullow Parish Newsletter 25th May, 08

Sr. Helen Fleming, late of Straboe who died in Glasgow, Scotland during the week and for whom Mass will be offered in Grange next Thursday 29th May at 7.30 p.m..

Kathleen Kirwan, late of Tullowland who died during the week.

for Paddy Murphy, Grange today Sunday 25th May in Grange at 9.30 a.m.

for Jer O’Toole, Ballymurphy at 11.30 a.m. today in Tullow Church.

ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 30th May.
Mary Lucas, Templeowen.
Noreen Higgins, late of Pairc Mhuire & London.
Thomas & Margaret Kelly & The Ryan family, Abbey Street.
Margaret & John Shiel, Kill.
Kitty O’Reilly, Butlersgrange.
John & Mary Whelan, Elmgrove.

for Eddie (Ned) Corcoran & wife Mary, Hollywood and formerly The Shroughawn next Saturday night 31st May at 7.30 p.m. in Parish Church.

for Nancy O’Brien, The Hollow, Tullowland next Sunday 1st June at 11.30 a.m.

New Yoga Session
in Teach Bhríde, beginning 26th May for six weeks in the evening. Cost €75. All are welcome. Call Deirdre O Connor 053 9429343 to book or for more information

A great night of Nostalgia:
Dancing to Keith McDonald & the Showband Show. Venue: Mount Wolseley Hotel on Sunday 1st June. Time: 9.00 p.m.—1.00 a.m. in aid of Tots to Teens Child Care and Alzheimers Branch, Tullow. Great night guaranteed. Admission €15
Contact: Linda: 087 6979054. Caroline 087 9126555. Chris:086 3623577. Peter 086 1638026.

Servers for the Coming Week: Group 3:
A. Nicky Byrne, Shane Dowling.
B. Cathal Bailey, Michael Byrne.
C. Ciaran Cooper, Conor Orbinski.
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. Ciaran Cooper, Conor Orbinski and Michael Byrne.
11.30a.m. Nickey Byrne, Shane Dowling & Cathal Bailey.

Special intentions for Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th May: That Christians may use literature, art and the media to greater advantage to favour a culture which defends and promotes the values of the human person.

Next weekend 1st June, 2008.
Bus leaving Church Car Park at 7.30 a.m. sharp.
Fare of €20 to be paid on the bus.
Names as soon as possible
to Parish Centre, 9151277
or Teresa on 9151586.

Novelty Bingo
in aid of Tullow Day Care Centre
on Monday, 26th May in Centre.
Usual refreshments provided.

Afternoon of prayer at Sli on Chroi, Kiltegan today Sunday 25th May. The day will begin at 2 p.m. and conclude with Mass at 5 p.m.

A vision for Catholic Education in Ireland ( A Pastoral letter from the Irish Catholic Bishops) is available at the church doors.
Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to his friends saying:
Take this all of you and eat it
This is my body which is given for you
For life and health and happiness
This is my body, my blood, life pumping around my body for you
This meal is my day’s work for you
This is my sweat for you
This meal is a reminder that I was taken from heaven, blessed with a family and friends, broken on the cross and given for you so you will be taken, blessed, broken like bread and given for others
For life, for love.
This meal, this sacrifice of self for others was always about love, never duty or obligation
Love-unconditional love.

The Drug Awareness course for Parents continues this Tuesday evening 27th May in Forward Steps Resource Centre. This is the second of a three night course running from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
All are welcome.
For further information contact
Forward Steps on 059 9152776.

Tullow Childcare Association
are holding their first A.G.M. on Thursday 29th May at 8 p.m. in the new Community Childcare Facility Tots to Teens on the Shillelagh Road. Everyone welcome.

Tullow Kayak Club
Beginner evening courses, 4 weeks €70.
Juniors (12-18) from 5p.m. to 7 p.m.
Seniors from 7 p.m.—9 p.m.
Starting on Friday 30th May.
More information from Diarmuid O’Connor on 086 3352903.

St. Anne’s College
of Further Education Tullow Community School
Enrolments are now taking place for the following day courses:
¨ One year Advanced Business and Information Technology Course (Fetac Levels 5 & 6 and ECDL included).
¨ One year Business and Computer Retraining Course with ECDL—suitable for adults interested in learning or improving their knowledge of computers.
VTOS Scheme and Maintenance Grants available for those who are eligible.
Application forms and further information from school office. 059 9151473.

Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819

(18-40 years). Saturday 21st/Sunday 22nd June. All Hallows College, Drumcondra. Cost €75 residential. €50 non residential.
Contact Fiona on 087 2451877, Ciara on 086 0609126 or Keith on 086 8899123.

A garden party has been arranged for Thursday 12th June at Rathwood to celebrate the end of a successful season.
Cocktails will be served at 12.15 p.m. in the garden (subject to weather), followed by a beautiful lunch at 1.00 to include wine.
Those who wish may dance to the music provided by Pat Blanch or take a stroll in the gardens.
There will be prizes for the most elegant outfits and this applies to both male and female members.
Cost is €20 per person. Tickets from Bernie in Forward Steps.

TUNE IN, TONE UP. Summer’s here!
Tullow Parish Community Centre.
Monday—Friday 10 a.m.—100 p.m.
June 9th—13th and June 16th—20th.
€90 per week.
Sign up now. Limited places. Book with Pamela Butler on 086 0891141.

Cullie would like to thank Marian Doyle and her staff for a wonderful week in Bettystown.

Ballyconnell, Tullow. Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaids, flower girls, accessories, evening wear, communion wear, debs dresses. Sale and Hire. Phone Norma on 9156214 or 087 9001938.

Next outing on Wednesday 14th June to Coolattin Golf Club. Time 1.30 to 3 p.m. Please contact Peter O’Rourke on 086 3989600 for times.

Tidy Town’s Tullow
(50th Anniversary) has been entered into this years competition theme “Get Out and Get into it”. So lets get together and put in that extra effort and the results will be well worth it. Get your hanging baskets and tubs filled with flowers. The following people can help. Tullow Florist: 9151658.
Garden Haven: 9180949.
Ballybit Nurseries: 9161271.
Traise Connolly: 9156123 or Doyles of the Green: 9151234.
Unwanted Garden Shed (large) to give away—for timber or for further use. Tullow area. Phone 059 9151531.

met on Monday 19th May in Teagasc. Student nutritionist Ashling Ward presented a most interesting talk on nutrition and dietary advice for the elderly. Details of our Summer Outing were discussed and names can be given to any committee member before the end of the month.

3 piece suite of furniture. Phone 087 9845790.

Golf Classic Preparations are in full swing. To book your Tee Time for June 14th contact Ger on 9163794 or 087 2541322.
At a recent meeting of Grange G.F.C. a vote of sympathy was passed with the Murphy family, Grange on the recent death of Paddy.
Grange meeting Eire Og in the first round of the Championship next Saturday in Dr. Cullen Park. The match has been fixed for 8 p.m. but this may be subject to change. Please check match times on the day.

St. Anne’s Ladies Football
Training continues at the Community School pitch in Tullow every Tuesday evening. U12 and U14 at 6.45 until 8 p.m. and U16 and Minor Girls at 7.45 til 9. This week the Myshall U14 team play St. Anne’s in Tullow.
On Tuesday the U12 Bennekerry/Tinryalnd team play St. Anne’s in Tullow. Both matches start at 7 p.m.

Drive within speed limits.
Avoid drinking and driving.
Show patience.
Avoid driving when overtired.
Allow sufficient time for all journeys.

Rathvilly Garden & Flower Club
are meeting on Wednesday 28th May at 8 p.m. in Phoenix Centre, Rathvilly. Flower demonstration on the night. All welcome.

Tullow Parish Newsletter 1st June, 2008.

PLEASE PRAY FOR Dan Bolger, Templeowen and Sean Cunningham, Slaneyview Drive who died recently.

for Nancy O’Brien, The Hollow, Tullowland today Sunday 1st June at 11.30 a.m.

ANNIVERSARY MASSES for Friday 6th June. .
Edward & Roseanna O’Neill, Paulville.
Robert Ward, Cheshire, England.
Killian Kelly, Knocknatubrid.
Elizabeth Murphy, late of Dublin Road.
Elizabeth Tobin, Castledermot Road.
Raymond McGrath, Castledermot Road.
William Browne, Church Street.
Tom Codd, 25 Pairc Mhuire.
John Kemple, 21 Maple Court, Phelim Wood, Tullow.

for Bridie Cummins, Shillelagh Grove next Saturday night 7th June at 7.30 p.m.

for Elizabeth Dowling, Dublin Road next Sunday 8th June at 11.30 a.m. in Tullow Church

New Yoga Session
in Teach Bhríde, beginning 26th May for six weeks in the evening. Cost €75. All are welcome. Call Deirdre O Connor 053 9429343 to book or for more information

A great night of Nostalgia:
Dancing to Keith McDonald & the Showband Show. Venue: Mount Wolseley Hotel this weekend Sunday 1st June. Time: 9.00 p.m.—1.00 a.m. in aid of Tots to Teens Child Care and Alzheimers Branch, Tullow. Great night guaranteed. Admission €15

Servers for the Coming Week: Group 4:
A. Zoe Gaskin, Deva Brien.
B. Vanessa Doyle, Orla McCormack.
C. Sandra Paszkiewics, Orla Jackman.
Groups for Sunday:
8.30a.m. Vanessa Doyle, Orla Jackman & Sandra Paszkiewics.
11.30a.m. Zoe Gaskin, Orla McCormack & Deva Brien.

St. Anne’s College
of Further Education
Tullow Community School
Enrolments are now taking place for the following day courses:
¨ One year Advanced Business and Information Technology Course (Fetac Levels 5 & 6 and ECDL included).
¨ One year Business and Computer Retraining Course with ECDL—suitable for adults interested in learning or improving their knowledge of computers.
VTOS Scheme and Maintenance Grants available for those who are eligible.
Application forms and further information from school office. 059 9151473.

Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819

A garden party has been arranged for Thursday 12th June at Rathwood to celebrate the end of a successful season.
Cocktails will be served at 12.15 p.m. in the garden (subject to weather), followed by a beautiful lunch at 1.00 to include wine.
Those who wish may dance to the music provided by Pat Blanch or take a stroll in the gardens.
There will be prizes for the most elegant outfits and this applies to both male and female members.
Cost is €20 per person. Tickets from Bernie in Forward Steps.

TUNE IN, TONE UP. Summer’s here!
Tullow Parish Community Centre.
Monday—Friday 10 a.m.—100 p.m.
June 9th—13th and June 16th—20th.
€90 per week.
Sign up now. Limited places. Book with Pamela Butler on 086 0891141.

Ballyconnell, Tullow. Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaids, flower girls, accessories, evening wear, communion wear, debs dresses. Sale and Hire. Phone Norma on 9156214 or 087 9001938.

Next outing on Wednesday 14th June to Coolattin Golf Club. Time 1.30 to 3 p.m. Please contact Peter O’Rourke on 086 3989600 for times.

Tidy Town’s Tullow
(50th Anniversary) has been entered into this years competition theme “Get Out and Get into it”. So lets get together and put in that extra effort and the results will be well worth it. Get your hanging baskets and tubs filled with flowers. The following people can help. Tullow Florist: 9151658.
Garden Haven: 9180949.
Ballybit Nurseries: 9161271.
Traise Connolly: 9156123 or Doyles of the Green: 9151234.
Unwanted Garden Shed (large) to give away—for timber or for further use. Tullow area. Phone 059 9151531.

3 piece suite of furniture. Phone 087 9845790.

Golf Classic Preparations are in full swing. To book your Tee Time for June 14th contact Ger on 9163794 or 087 2541322.

Drive within speed limits.
Avoid drinking and driving.
Show patience.
Avoid driving when overtired.
Allow sufficient time for all journeys.

on Wednesday June 18th at Mt. Wolseley Golf and Country Club.
Team of 4 any combination. Early Bird up to 11 a.m. €160 per team.
11.10 to 4.30: €200 per team.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Nine hole competition.
For Timesheet phone Laz Murphy on 059 9151316.

Monday 2nd May is a Bank Holiday.
Mass at 12.00 noon.

The housebound of the parish will be attended
during the coming week.
Fr. Andy will visit on Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th June.
Those on Fr. Brendan’s list will be visited on Friday 6th June.

Mags and Sharon would like to thank everyone who attended their Table Quiz in aid of Chernobyl, they would especially like to thank Mary Tobin for all her help, also the Tara Arms and all those who donated prizes for the night.

There is no bowls this Monday because of the Bank Holiday.
Thursday 5th and 12th June are the last Tai Chi classes. Our thanks to Rosaleen McFadden. Next meeting is Tuesday 3rd June in Forward Steps at 2.30 p.m.
Friday 30th May was the last Yoga Class. Our thanks to Bernie Deegan.

Carol and Larry Murphy, Ardoyne would like to thank all who supported their recent tea day. €893.49 was raised. Many thanks.

Special intentions for Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th June: For all students doing examinations at this time, that the Holy Spirit will be with them to guide and direct them.

The Dowling family, Dublin Road, Tullow would like to thank all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad loss and for all who helped them in any way. A special thank you to the mens choir.

in Cheshire Home, Tullow on Wednesday 4th June at 8 p.m. All are welcome.

Help me O Lord as I drive to love my neighbour as myself, that I may do nothing to hurt or endanger any of your people. Give to my eyes clear vision and skill to my hands and feet.
Make me tranquil in mind and relaxed in body.
Free me from aggression and rivalry and from resentment at the action of others. May your presence be with me in all my journeys and bring me safely to my journey is end.

Tullow Childcare Association
Apologies that the A.G.M. could not go ahead on Thursday 29th May. It has been rescheduled for Monday 9th June at 8 p.m. in the new Community Childcare Facility Tots to Teens on the Shillelagh Road. Everyone welcome.

Tullow Variety Group will commence drama workshops followed by casting and rehearsals for the Willie Russell two act comedy play “Stags and Hens” on Wednesday 4th June at 8.30 p.m. in Tullow Parish Community Centre. Persons aged 18 years and over are very welcome to join the drama workshops from which a cast will be chosen. The play will be performed in Tullow for three nights from September 10th to 12th in The Tara Arms and for four nights at Eire Og Clubhouse Carlow from September 17th to 20th. A cast of six men and six women is required. For further information please contact William Paton at 087 6787115.

If you have every thought about starting your own business, come and talk to us on the Enterprise Bus which will be in Tullow on June 12th. With advisors from Carlow County Enterprise Board (phone 9130880) and your local branch of Bank of Ireland.

Hicksons Supervalue Jackpot will be €240 next Thursday night 5th June.