Friday, December 18, 2009

tullow Parish Newsletter 20th December, 09

Bingo every Thursday night at 8.30 p.m.
in Murphy Memorial Hall.
Hickson’s Supervalu jackpot next week is €980.

20th December, 2009. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT.

Baptisms in Tullow Church at the following times:
1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 5 p.m.
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 2 p.m. Please contact Parish Centre on 9151277.
BAPTISMS IN GRANGE will be held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 4 p.m.
BAPTISMS IN ARDATTIN will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month at
4 p.m.

Intentions for Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd December. For all those travelling home for Christmas. That they will arrive home safely and have a peaceful, safe Christmas.

PLEASE PRAY FOR Sean Gartland, 57 St. Patrick’s Park and Lil Walter (nee Canning), England and formerly of Mill Street who died recently.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS for May Fitzgerald, Crosslow today Sunday 20th December at 11.30 a.m. in Tullow Church.
ANNIVERSARY MASS for Patrick & Mary Bolger, Grange and Dr. Oliver Bolger in Grange Church today at 9.30 a.m.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS for Sylvia Coughlan, 8 Courtlawns next Sunday 27th December at 11.30 a.m.

Servers for the Coming Week
Shane Dowling, Corey Bowes, Jamie Farrell, Brandon Moore, Cormac Flynn, Jason Dowling, Gregory Phelan, Jack Sheeran, Ross Hanley, Cathal Murray.
Offertory: €1,205. Development: €2,830. Many thanks.
CLONFERT: A day of prayer for healing will be held in Emmanuel House of Providence, Clonfert on Saturday 28th November. Speakers: Fr Michael Kennedy & Eddie Stone. Bus departs Church Car Park at 8 a.m. sharp via Killerig Cross, Closh Stores and bus stop Barrack Street, Carlow. Bring packed lunch. To book a seat phone Lily on 059 9151245 or Ila on 059 9151120.
HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819.
is now up and running in Tullow Parish Centre. Natural Health treatments.
Discounts for unwaged, O.A.P.’s and special needs. Creams also available. Phone 085 1672298 or email

Grange/Ardattin: Wednesday/Thursday 24th/25th March.
Tullow: Thursday March 25th at 7.30 p.m.
Tullow: Saturday 8th May at 11.30 a.m.
Grange: Sunday 16th May at 9.30 a.m.
Ardattin: Sunday 16th May at 10.30 a.m.
Tullow: Saturday 22nd May at 11.30 a.m.

The First Communion Programme for children in 2nd class continues next weekend.
Tullow: Saturday 12th December at 7.30 p.m. Mass
Grange: Sunday 13th December at 9.30 a.m. Mass.
Ardattin: Sunday 13th December at 10.30 a.m. Mass.
Commencing on 3rd January, 2010. JJ’s Lounge 5 p.m.—8 p.m. Sunday 3rd January and Sunday 10th January and final in the Tara Arms on 17th January. Competition open to all ages. We want every type of entertainment as follows: Singing, Irish Dancing, Modern Dancing, Comedy, Musicians, Bands. Competition organised by Tullow Variety Group. Entry forms available at JJ’s and the Tara Arms.
FOR SALE: Flanagan/Kirwan Irish Dancing starter costume—red skirt and white blouse. Age 5 years approx, 30. Phone 086 8189657.
Church Gate Collection this weekend 19th and 20th December in aid of Care of the Elderly Christmas Party. Your support would be very much appreciated.
DONATIONS of Flowers and greenery for Grange Church for Christmas would be appreciated any day from Sunday 20th December.
YOU ARE INVITED to Branigans Bar, Killerig Golf Club after Grange Mass today Sunday 20th December for some Christmas Cheer, mince pies and refreshments.
Families who have booked individual graves or plots in Grange Cemetery are asked to mark them out clearly by kerbing or cornerstones so as to avoid any confusion at a future date.
CALAMITY JANE: If anyone has a copy of Tullow Community School’s production of Calamity Jane please contact 087 7701384.
Parish Reconciliation service for christmas
Monday 21st December
at 7.30 p.m.
in Tullow Parish Church.
All welcome.
Christmas Concert
on Sunday 20th December at 7 p.m. in Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Tullow.
Special Guests:
Tullow National School, Roisin Jackman, Robert Tobin, Quade Quartet, Des
Willoughby. Tickets available at the door or through Tullow Primary School
and Parents Association. €10 adult. Children FREE.
Have you time? “Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of love”. St. Brigid’s Oratory, Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Tullow: Penitential Service: Monday 21st December at 7.30 p.m.
After Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
Thursday 24th December—Christmas Eve 6.30—7.00 p.m.
Grange: Tuesday 23rd at 6.30 p.m.
Ardattin: Tuesday 23rd at 8.30 p.m.
Tullow: Vigil at 10 p.m.
Christmas Day: 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.
Grange: Vigil at 12.00 midnight
Christmas Day: 9.30 a.m.
Ardattin: Vigil at 8 p.m.
Christmas Day: 10.30 a.m.

St. Stephen’s Day: 12 noon and usual 7.30 p.m. (vigil Mass for Sunday)

Sunday 27th December: Usual Sunday Masses.

Monsignor Brendan Byrne,
Fr. Andy Leahy
and The Parish Pastoral Council
wish you peace and joy for Christmas
and every blessing for the New Year
New Years Eve Disco in Tullow Rugby Club.
Please make your contribution on Christmas Day or use your special Christmas envelope, or pick up and use one of the envelopes marked “Christmas Collection” at the back of the Church. Thank You.
HOUSEBOUND OF THE PARISH will be attended this week:
Fr. Andy will visit on Monday and Tuesday.
Fr. Byrne will visit on Tuesday.
THANK YOU: Lena Kirwan would like to thank the management and staff of Supervalu, Tullow for allowing her to sell Santa Bears in aid of Central Remedial Clinic and thanks to all who supported the collection. €920 was collected.
MORGANS CHEMIST, The Square, Tullow will be open from 11—5 p.m. today Sunday 20th December.
Tullow mens choir are presenting an afternoon of carol singing in Rathwood today Sunday 20th December from 2.30 p.m.—4 p.m.
Proceeds in aid of St. Vincent de Paul Society.
HOUSING—tintean currently have the following vacancy:
A two bed unit in our housing for the elderly in Tintean Phadraig, Chapel Lane, Tullow.
Applicants for this unit need to be in the elderly category.
Application forms for the above can be obtained from Tintean Coille Community Centre, Pollerton, Carlow. Phone 9135934.
Completed applications should be returned to Tintean on or before Wednesday 13th January, 2010. Persons who have previously applied to Tintean should apply again if they wish to be considered for housing in the above units.
THEFT OF STATUES from Cemetery Plots: We appeal to everyone to be very observant of statues or other religious objects on their own and neighbouring family plots. If you notice anything missing or suspicious behaviour by anyone visiting the cemetery, please report it to the Gardai.
CAIRDEAS CENTRE: Thanks to all who supported the Goose Club last weekend in aid of The Cairdeas Centre. Amount raised was €2,315. A special word of thanks to all who helped in any way.
Parish Web-site: Our brand new parish web-site is now up and running. Lots of new information and updates. Visit the web-site at :
Grange GAA are running a table quiz in Brannigan’s Bar in the Killerig Resort Hotel on Monday 21st December at 8 p.m. Table of 4: €20.
KILLERIG RESORT would like to thank all of our locals for their loyal support throughout the year. And to show our appreciation we would like to invite all locals and friends to a complimentary evening of fine finger food and live music on Wednesday 23rd December at 8 p.m.
A welcome for the wayfarer has long been a part of the Irish Christmas tradition, particularly on Christmas Eve when a candle in the window, bid traveller to reset from their journey, the belief that in welcoming the wayfarer, we are welcoming the wandering Joseph and Mary with the child Jesus.
Poet : Maire Mac an Tsaoi: Captured the idea beautifully in her poem “Oiche Nollag”
With candle of angels the sky in now dappled,
the frost on the wind from the hills has a bite,
Kindle your fire and go to your slumber
Jesus will lie in this household to-night.

Leave all the doors wide open before her
The Virgin will come with the child on her breast
Grant that you’ll stop here to-night Holy Mary
that Jesus to-night in this household may rest.

The lights are all lighting in that little hostel
there were generous servings of vituals and wine
From merchants of sick, from merchants of woollens
But Jesus will lie in this household to-night.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tullow Parish Newsletter 13th December 09

TULLOW: Sundays: Vigil Mass: Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
Sunday 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.
Holy Days: Vigil 7.30 p.m. (except Sundays) 8.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9.30 a.m.
Friday 7.30 p.m.
Saturday: 10.00 a.m.
GRANGE: Sundays & Holy Days: 9.30 a.m.
ARDATTIN: Sunday & Holy Days: 10.30 a.m.
Fr. Brendan Byrne
059 9152159
087 6646616
Fr. Andy Leahy
059 9180641
087 9438270
Bingo every Thursday night at 8.30 p.m.
in Murphy Memorial Hall.
Hickson’s Supervalu jackpot next week is €960.

13th December, 2009. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT.

Baptisms in Tullow Church at the following times:
1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 5 p.m.
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 2 p.m. Please contact Parish Centre on 9151277.
BAPTISMS IN GRANGE will be held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 4 p.m.
BAPTISMS IN ARDATTIN will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month at
4 p.m.

Intentions for Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th December. For all people, as we prepare for Christmas:
May we repent of our sins, and prepare to open our hearts in sincere welcome to the Infant Jesus.

ANNIVERSARY MASS for Annie Brennan, Castledermot Road today Sunday 13th December at 9.30 a.m. in Grange Church.
Seamus Tobin, Mill Street. Elizabeth Doran & daughter Mary, Hillbrook Estate. The Barron & Manzor families Mill Street and Bridge Street. Kathleen Maher, 14 Pairc Mhuire. Seamus Coady, Mill Street. Kathleen & Patrick Keogh, 11 Dublin Road. John & Kathleen Halpin & daughter Kathleen Roche, The Mullawn. Bridie Rooney, Knocklow. Kathleen O’Brien, Tullowland. Kathleen McEvoy, Ballymurphy Road. Edward Farrell Snr, 36 Pairc Mhuire. Ellen Guinane, London. Michael & Annie Stynes & daughter Peg, Grangeford. The Kirwan family, Mt. Wolseley Lodge. Eileen O’Keeffe, Hillbrook Estate. Mary Kealy, Rathglass. Owen & Elizabeth Wybrnat, daughters Peig, Eileen & Michael Brennan and Betty & Joe Hickey, Ardoyne. Matt & Kitty O’Reilly & daughter Breda, Butlersgrange. Paddy Rooney, Dublin Road. Breeda Kenny, Abbey Street.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS for May Fitzgerald, Crosslow next Sunday 20th December at 11.30 a.m. in Tullow Church.

Servers for the Coming Week
A: Vanessa Doyle, Kate Dunne.
B: Stephanie Holligan, Sally Ann Connors
C: Aoife Curry, Ciara Delaney.
Groups for Sunday.
8.30 a.m. Vanessa Doyle, Stephanie Holligan & Katie Dunne
11.30 a.m. Aoife Curry, Sally Ann Connors & Ciara Delaney.
Offertory: €1,125. Development: €2,108. Many thanks.
CLONFERT: A day of prayer for healing will be held in Emmanuel House of Providence, Clonfert on Saturday 28th November. Speakers: Fr Michael Kennedy & Eddie Stone. Bus departs Church Car Park at 8 a.m. sharp via Killerig Cross, Closh Stores and bus stop Barrack Street, Carlow. Bring packed lunch. To book a seat phone Lily on 059 9151245 or Ila on 059 9151120.

HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819.
is now up and running in Tullow Parish Centre. Natural Health treatments.
Discounts for unwaged, O.A.P.’s and special needs. Creams also available. Phone 085 1672298 or email

Grange/Ardattin: Wednesday/Thursday 24th/25th March.
Tullow: Thursday March 25th at 7.30 p.m.
Tullow: Saturday 8th May at 11.30 a.m.
Grange: Sunday 16th May at 9.30 a.m.
Ardattin: Sunday 16th May at 10.30 a.m.
Tullow: Saturday 22nd May at 11.30 a.m.

The First Communion Programme for children in 2nd class continues next weekend.
Tullow: Saturday 12th December at 7.30 p.m. Mass
Grange: Sunday 13th December at 9.30 a.m. Mass.
Ardattin: Sunday 13th December at 10.30 a.m. Mass.

in aid of Breast Cancer Research in Mount Wolseley Golf Clubhouse
on Friday 18th December at 8 p.m. sharp.
Featuring Regina Haley—The Celtic Divas, The Wolseley Singers, Sarah Keating—Soprano, Castlecomer Community School Choir, Martin Hennessey—Baritone.
Musical Director: David Munroe.
Tickets now available from Tresor in Rathwood, at the Golf Desk in Mt. Wolseley,
Regina Hanley or contact 087 6426725. Tickets €20.

will be held
today Sunday 13th December
in aid of
The Cairdeas Centre, Tullow
7.30 p.m. —10.30 p.m.
in Murphy Memorial Hall.
Please support this very worthy cause.

ITEMS FOR THE GOOSE CLUB can be left into the PARISH CENTRE today

A National Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat for Young People aged 16-35 takes place at Newbridge College, Newbridge from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th December. Contact 01 6753690 or 086 3025442 for information.

Live Crib at Killerig: Visit the Live Crib at Killerig Resort, Carlow. See the Life Size Nativity Scene with live animals bring the story of Christmas to life. Every weekend in December from December 6th. Entrance Free—Donations to Carlow Hospice.
The annual collection will take place this weekend 12th and 13th December. Your support would be very much appreciated especially in this very difficult time for many people.
If you wish to support our GIVING TREE please call to Morgan’s Chemist, The Square, Tullow.
1. Take a gift tag from the tree.
2. Purchase gift—leave unwrapped
3. Attach tag to gift and return to basket at tree.
Thank you for your support. Phone 083 3478914.

FOLK GROUP: A big thanks you to our Deanery Folk Group for singing for us at Mass last Sunday. To learn more about them, you can contact Shane at 087 6391015 or Clare at 086 8672381. We would like to form a folk group here in Tullow? If you have any ideas, please talk to any member of the parish team. We would be delighted to have you sing for us at Mass.

Commencing on 3rd January, 2010. JJ’s Lounge 5 p.m.—8 p.m. Sunday 3rd January and Sunday 10th January and final in the Tara Arms on 17th January. Competition open to all ages. We want every type of entertainment as follows: Singing, Irish Dancing, Modern Dancing, Comedy, Musicians, Bands. Competition organised by Tullow Variety Group. Entry forms available at JJ’s and the Tara Arms.
FOR SALE: Flanagan/Kirwan Irish Dancing starter costume—red skirt and white blouse. Age 5 years approx, 30. Phone 086 8189657.

wishes to thank each and everyone of you for supporting our Novelty Bingos throughout the year and for your generous support for all our fundraising events throughout 2009.
The winner of “Guess the number of Buttons” was Colette Doyle who correctly guessed 622 buttons on the jacket. We wish you all a very happy Christmas.

Church Gate Collection next weekend 19th and 20th December in aid of Care of the Elderly Christmas Party. Your support would be very much appreciated.

CARE OF THE ELDERLY Meeting on Wednesday 16th December at 8 p.m. in Parish Centre.

DONATIONS of Flowers and greenery for Grange Church for Christmas would be appreciated any day from Sunday 20th December.

YOU ARE INVITED to Branigans Bar, Killerig Golf Club after Grange Mass on Sunday 20th December for some Christmas Cheer, mince pies and refreshments.

Families who have booked individual graves or plots in Grange Cemetery are asked to mark them out clearly by kerbing or cornerstones so as to avoid any confusion at a future date.

TULLOW RUGBY CLUB play Newbridge today at 2 p.m. at the Blackgates, Tullow.

CALAMITY JANE: If anyone has a copy of Tullow Community School’s production of Calamity Jane please contact 087 7701384.

ECUMENICAL SERVICE of Nine Lessons and carols in St. Columba’s Church, Tullow with the Tullow Singers today Sunday 13th December at 7 p.m.

Parish Reconciliation service for christmas
Monday 21st December
at 7.30 p.m.
in Tullow Parish Church.
All welcome.

Christmas Concert
on Sunday 20th December at 7 p.m. in Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Tullow.
Special Guests:
Tullow National School, Roisin Jackman, Robert Tobin, Quade Quartet, Des Willoughby. Tickets available at the door or through Tullow Primary School and Parents Associations. €10 adult. €5 child.

TULLOW I.C.A.: Members of Tullow ICA will visit the new George Bernard Shaw Theatre in Carlow on Thursday 17th December to see the Panto. Arrangements have been made to have a meal beforehand at the Theatre restaurant.

FOUND: Walking Aid found in Doyles Hardware. Phone 9151107.

What must we do? That was the question that was posed to John two thousand years ago. It is still a valid question today. If we are getting ready to meet an important guest who comes to see us, we might well ask to know what we should do, how we should behave.
John answers the people by telling them simply to do their best, to behave as people should to each other. In order to meet this important guest, we should simply keep going, doing what we do well already, and leaving behind any type of action that is not worthy of our humanity. We prepare to meet the Lord by being good parents and friends, by working well at our jobs, by being honest and upright in our dealings.
Here are some phrases from today’s readings that we can pray with in the week ahead:
¨ “May that peace of God, which is so much greater that we can understand, guard our hearts and our thoughts, in Christ Jesus”.
¨ “The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me; he has sent me to bring the good news to the poor”.

Ducketts Grove Christmas Craft & Food Fair today Sunday 13th December from 12 noon—6 p.m. A winter wonderland of traditional Christmas Activities showcasing the best of Carlow in this magical setting which includes a large craft faith featuring Carlow producers, Christmas plants, wreath, decorations and artisan food producers. Car parking €5 per car.

St. Patrick’s Juvenile Hurling & Football Club will hold their Presentation Day today Sunday 13th December at 4 p.m. in the Tara Arms. Presentations will be made to the U16 football team as well as the U12 hurlers and the U10 and U14 footballers. Special guests will be Kildare’s Johnny Doyle and Carlow’s senior vice captain Shane Kavanagh.

CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE now available. Phone 085 7233897.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tullow Parish Newsletter 6th December, 09

PLEASE PRAY FOR Andy Kehoe, formerly of Knocklow who died in England recently.
Eileen Brennan, Ardoyne. James & Mary Roche and granddaughter Lisa, Tullowbeg. Julia Kelly, Tankardstown. Peter & Pat McGrath, Dublin Road. Michael & Julia Murphy, 12 Pairc Mhuire. Mick Stynes, 1 Steepleview Cresent. Billy Doyle, Convent Lodge. Patrick, Margaret & May Kinsella, Knocknatubrid. Patrick & Dymna Haskins, Stratnakelly, Tinahealy. Deceased members of the Carroll family, Rathglass. Paddy O’Brien, late of 41 Pairc Mhuire. Maureen Kelly, late of Pairc Mhuire. Owen McCoy and deceased family members, Ardattin. Winifred & Thomas Byrne & Anne & Garrett Lawler, Elmgrove. Molly Doyle and deceased family members, Ballyredmond. Kathleen Kelly, 12 St. Austins Terrace. Matthew Kelly, Paulville. Stephen Jackman, Rathbawn. Bridget & John Gorman, 46 Dublin Road.
ANNIVERSARY MASS for Annie Brennan, Castledermot Road next Sunday 13th December at 9.30 a.m. in Grange Church.

Servers for the Coming Week
A: Jack Sheeran, Calvin Condron.
B: Cdathal Murray, Keith Doyle.
C: Ross Hanley, Jack Timmins.
Groups for Sunday.
8.30 a.m. Jack Sheeran, Calvin Condron & Cathal Murray.
11.30 a.m. Keith Doyle, Ross Hanley & Jack Timmins.

Offertory: €1,099. Development: €2,003. Many thanks.

HAT BOX, Paulville, Tullow. Large selection of hats, head pieces, feathers and accessories available for hire. For appointments contact 086 3840474 or 9180819.

is now up and running in Tullow Parish Centre. Natural Health treatments.
Discounts for unwaged, O.A.P.’s and special needs. Creams also available. Phone 085 1672298 or email

Grange/Ardattin: Wednesday/Thursday 24th/25th March.
Tullow: Thursday March 25th at 7.30 p.m.
Tullow: Saturday 8th May at 11.30 a.m.
Grange: Sunday 16th May at 9.30 a.m.
Ardattin: Sunday 16th May at 10.30 a.m.
Tullow: Saturday 22nd May at 11.30 a.m.

The First Communion Programme for children in 2nd class continues next weekend.
Tullow: Saturday 12th December at 7.30 p.m. Mass
Grange: Sunday 13th December at 9.30 a.m. Mass.
Ardattin: Sunday 13th December at 10.30 a.m. Mass.
in aid of Breast Cancer Research
in Mount Wolseley Golf Clubhouse
on Friday 18th December at 8 p.m. sharp.
Tickets now available from Tresor in
Rathwood, at the Golf Desk in Mt. Wolseley,
Regina Hanley or contact 087 6426725.
Tickets €20.

will hold a Special Christmas Fair
today Sunday 6th December
in Tullow Parish Centre
9 a.m.—3 p.m.
We are also open for business after Mass on Saturday evening 5th December.

will be held
next Sunday 13th December
in aid of
The Cairdeas Centre, Tullow
from 7.30 p.m. —10.30 p.m. in Murphy Memorial Hall.
Please support this very worthy cause.
Someone will call to you during the week, 7th—11th December so if you would be good enough to have some Groceries, Cakes, Fruit, Biscuits, Bottles of Christmas Cheer, it would be gratefully accepted.
ITEMS FOR THE GOOSE CLUB can also be left into the PARISH CENTRE.

COFFEE MORNING in aid of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin on Friday 11th December in Teach Bride from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

St. Patrick’s G.F.C.: Table Quiz:
The club will hold a Table Quiz in aid of the Players Injury Fund on Friday night December 11th in the Hogan Stand Bar. Team of 4: €40.

A National Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat for Young People aged 16-35 takes place at Newbridge College, Newbridge from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th December. Contact 01 6753690 or 086 3025442 for information.

TULLOW LIBRARY: Christmas Crafts—’Card making for Kids’ on Tuesday 8th December at 11 a.m. Please book by calling 9136299.
Tullow Library’s Annual Christmas Carols on Wednesday 9th December at 6.45 p.m. sharp. Everybody most welcome.

Free Public Lecture in Carlow College
Professor Patricia Casey, the distinguished psychiatrist (UCD/Mater Hospital), will hive a public lecture on the topic:’Psycho-social benefits of Religion-the scientific evidence’, in Cobden Hall,
Carlow College, on Thursday, 10th December at 7.30p.m.The lecture will be followed by a question and answer session. This id the first of a new series of public lectures at the college. Admission is free. Details of other lectures in the series on the night.

( fundraiser)
today Sunday 6th December, 3p.m.-6p.m.

All Vouchers have been kindly donated by Local Businesses, there is fashion outlets, beauticians, hair studios, toy shops, music shops, hotels, restaurants, travel providers, heat merchants, landscapers, activity providers with hundreds more to choose from.
Vouchers up to 50%less than face value…
All proceeds go to fund Tullow Boy’s and Girls Primary Schools.

Tullow Liturgy Group - Meeting
on Tuesday 8th December 8.15 p.m. in the Parish Centre.

Tuesday 8th December is a Holy Day
Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Masses: Tullow: Vigil on Monday night at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday: 8.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Grange: 9.30 a.m.
Ardattin: 10.30 a.m.

FOLK GROUP: We warmly welcome our Deanery Folf Group who sing for us at the 11.30 a.m. Mass in Tullow today.

Ardattin Pastoral Group Meeting on Wednesday night at 8 p.m.
Tullow Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting on Monday 7th December at 8.15 p.m. in Parish Centre.

Live Crib at Killerig: Visit the Live Crib at Killerig Resort, Carlow. See the Life Size Nativity Scene with live animals bring the story of Christmas to life. Every weekend in December from December 6th. Entrance Free—Donations to Carlow Hospice.

“Prepare a way for the Lord”
“Prepare a way” cries John the Baptist. In these days of Advent, we are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus. John says we must build a road to allow the Lord to come straight. The road we prepare is a road to our hearts. Here we can offer this loving guest, our Lord, a direct way into our lives.
Below are some phrases taken from today’s readings that we can pray with each day in the week ahead: -
¨ “Put on the beauty of the glory of God for
ever, wrap the cloak of integrity around you”
¨ “Prepare a way for the Lord, make straight a
path. And all will see the salvation of God”.
¨ “God will guide us in joy by the light of his
glory, with his mercy and integrity for escort”.
¨ “What marvels the Lord has worked for us!
Indeed we are glad”.
¨ “Come Lord Jesus”.
‘Reach Out’ Christmas Gift Pack
Available after Masses in Tullow, Grange and Ardattin this weekend.

The annual collection will take place next weekend 12th and 13th December. Your support would be very much appreciated especially in this very difficult time for many people.
If you wish to support our GIVING TREE please call to Morgan’s Chemist, The Square, Tullow.
1. Take a gift tag from the tree.
2. Purchase gift—leave unwrapped
3. Attach tag to gift and return to basket at tree.
Thank you for your support. Phone 083 3478914.

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
Meeting on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in Parish Centre.

COFFEE MORNING in aid of Pestalozzi World (educates and trains very poor children at secondary level in Africa) on Friday 11th December from 9.30 a.m. in Rathoe Hall.

THANK YOU: J.G. O Connor Branch, O.N.E. wish to say thank you to all who helped in anyway for our unveiling last Sunday 29th November.
Community Games
A.G.M. on Monday night
7th December at 8 p.m.
in Parish Centre.

THANK YOU: Garden Haven Florist would like to say thank you to Tullow Parish Centre and all who attended their flower demonstration on Wednesday 2nd December. Total raised was €910 for Carlow/Kilkenny Homecare Team. A great night was had by all.

THANK YOU: A big thank you to all the distributors who delivered the parish envelopes during the week.

Active Retirement Association
Reminder: Christmas Party on 10th December in Killerig Resort Hotel. Extra places still available. Members and non members intending going to party please leaves name plus fee of €30 to Forward Steps Office tomorrow Monday 7th December. Bus will leave Tullow Day Care Centre at 12 noon. Further information from Tom on 059 9159248.
Bus will leave Tullow Day Care Centre at 12 noon.

St. Patrick’s G.F.C.
Congratulations are extended to Shane Rohan and Jack Kennedy who received the player of the year award and the man of the match award respectively at the recent Slaney Rangers award night.

Tullow Flower and Garden Club
A Floral Demonstration by Frances Cosgrove (club member) will take place on Tuesday 8th December at 8 p.m. in Mt. Wolseley Hotel. All are welcome.
Tullow Tennis Club: Thanks to everyone who gave so generously to our recent bag pack in Supervalu. €1,330 was raised.

Conor Ward, Fruit and Veg
Shop closed on Monday 7th and re-opening on Tuesday 8th. Please call in and view the range of new stock:
nutritional supplements, natural bodycare, homeopathis medicines, weight loss aids, aromatherapy and much more.